Anant Shrivastava is an information security professional with 15+ yrs of corporate experience in Network, Mobile, Application and Linux Security. Anant is an avid opensource supporter and runs multiple opensource projects prominent of them being TamerPlatform and CodeVigilant.

He contributes to multiple Open communities like null and Garage4Hackers. He has also helped establishing local chapter in his hometown null Bhopal

He has been a speaker and a trainer at a multitude of conferences such as Black Hat, Defcon, Nullcon, c0c0n, Rootconf, various bsides events and many more).

He also participates in various communities as a cfp reviewer. Notable of them being Blackhat , nullcon, recon village @ Defcon, cloud village @ defcon, Adversary Village @ defcon. He also supports multiple regional conferences like Bsides Bangalore, Bsides Goa

His public activities are listed in his timeline. His code contributions can be found on Github. He is active on Fediverse and Twitter and his talks and presentations can be found here. He writes about his experiments at his blog. He can be contacted over email - anant at anantshri dot info

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