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Beyond the Code / SBOM: Supply Chain Security
(09 Dec 2023)

Bsides London 2023

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Expanding capability horizons : Homelabs and beyond
(06 Oct 2023)

Expanding capability horizons : Homelabs and beyond
c0c0n 2023

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Career in Information Security
(06 Oct 2023)

Career in Information Security
c0c0n 2023

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Developer Security Based on 15 Years Experience
(28 Feb 2023)

The Big Fix 2023 by Snyk

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Developers and Security
(21 Feb 2022)

Private Talk for Developers

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Keynote: My 2 Paisa on Infosec
(14 Nov 2021)


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Stealing the silver Lining from your cloud
(06 May 2021)

Stealing the silver Lining from your cloud
BlackHat Webcast

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Attacking Storage Services : The Lynchpin of Cloud Services
(18 Nov 2020)

Attacking Storage Services : The Lynchpin of Cloud Services
HITB Cyber Week Dubai: Red Team Village

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Golang for Pentesters / Red Teamers
(28 Sep 2019)

Golang for Pentesters / Red Teamers
c0c0n 2019

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DevSecOps: What Why and How?
(07 Aug 2019)

BlackHat USA 2019

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DevSecOps Automating Security in DevOps
(03 Apr 2019)

DevSecOps Automating Security in DevOps
IP Expo Manchester 2019

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DevSecOps What Why
(28 Mar 2019)

DevSecOps What Why
Blackhat Asia 2019

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Android Tamer Session
(18 Oct 2018)

Android Tamer Session
OWASP Jakarta Online Session: AndroidTamer

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OSINT for Indian Citizens
(05 Oct 2018)

OSINT for Indian Citizens
c0c0n 2018

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Down by the Docker
(22 Aug 2017)

Down by the Docker
NotSoSecure Webinar on Docker Vulnerability

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What it takes to defend an application
(11 Sep 2016)

Null Bhopal Meet

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Linux Basics
(20 Feb 2016)

Null Bangalore Puliya Session

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SSL Pinning and Bypasses
(21 Nov 2015)

Null Meet Bangalore

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Exploiting Version Control Systems
(29 Aug 2015)

null meet Bangalore

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Understanding the known OWASP A9 using components with known vulnerabilities
(20 Aug 2015)

c0c0n 2015

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A Tale of Forgotten Disclosure and Lesson’s Learned
(16 May 2015)

null meet Bangalore

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OWTF Tool Demo
(13 Dec 2014)

Null Bangalore Meet

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OWASP Mobile Top 10: M4 Unintended Data Leakage
(18 Oct 2014)

Null Bangalore Meet

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OWASP Mobile Top 10: M3 Insecure Transport Layer
(20 Sep 2014)

Null Bangalore Meet

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OWASP Mobile Top 10: M2 Insecure Data Storage
(30 Aug 2014)

Null Bangalore Meet

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My Tryst with Source Code Review
(22 Aug 2014)

c0c0n 2014

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When the internet Bleeded
(16 May 2014)

When the internet Bleeded
RootConf 2014

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Secure WordPress
(30 Nov 2013)

Null Bangalore Bachaav Session

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Snake Bites: Python for Pentesters
(28 Sep 2013)

c0c0n 2013

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Rapsberry Pi Begineer Session
(11 May 2013)

Null Bangalore Meet

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Pocket me rocket
(03 Aug 2012)

Pocket me rocket
c0c0n 2012 how to use android devices for basic pentesting operations

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HaxDroid : Empowering Android Handset
(12 Feb 2012)

HaxDroid : Empowering Android Handset
Nullcon 2012

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Android Tamer
(03 Dec 2011)

Android Tamer
ClubHack 2011 First public presentation about AndroidTamer

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Security Issues in Android Custom ROM’s
(07 Oct 2011)

c0c0n 2011

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How to Setup A Pen Test Lab & How to Play CTF
(20 Aug 2011)

Null meet Pune

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Nessus Reporting Karma
(21 May 2011)

Null Meet Pune May 2011